China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News The “business experience” of textile companies under the epidemic situation: even if work is suspended, orders will not stop, and gray fabrics have already begun to be sold out! I got the work resumption order on the 17th, why aren’t we ready for production yet?

The “business experience” of textile companies under the epidemic situation: even if work is suspended, orders will not stop, and gray fabrics have already begun to be sold out! I got the work resumption order on the 17th, why aren’t we ready for production yet?

It is said that the peak of the new coronavirus epidemic is about to occur, so is the turning point still far away? It’s definitely not far away. It has been some time since …

It is said that the peak of the new coronavirus epidemic is about to occur, so is the turning point still far away? It’s definitely not far away. It has been some time since construction started across the country, but many people are reluctant to start construction in their circles of friends, and the reasons have been explained in detail.

Recently, our textile industry has been flooded with various “notices of approval to resume work” In the circle of friends, are there also “others” who are unwilling to start work as mentioned above? Obviously, they do exist. They don’t seem to be enthusiastic about starting work. Although they have obtained various permissions to start work, the factory is still an “unmanned workshop”. What are their “difficulties”?

The company starts operations Lack of preparation

Lack of employees

The textile industry in various places has started to start operations since February 10, but as of today, the overall operation has started The rate is only 30% to 40%, and even in many areas it is only 10% to 20%, which is not much different from a complete shutdown. Why has the textile operating rate still improved substantially in the past 10 days?

The person in charge of a printing and dyeing factory with more than 500 employees said that it had obtained permission to start work on February 17, but the factory has not yet started operation and there is not a single worker in the workshop. Because the workers in the factory are all non-locals, although they have been informed to return in time to start work, only 1/3 have returned so far, less than half, which cannot guarantee normal production of the factory.

The shortage of workers has alarmed local governments, and now various incentive measures are being introduced to ensure that workers can return to work in a timely manner.

The epidemic prevention situation is grim

“The day when construction starts is not the day when the epidemic ends.” After construction starts, the situation of epidemic prevention and control may become even more severe. . After all, the textile industry requires a large amount of labor. The start of work means that workers from all over the country will gather in a small and confined space. Once an infection occurs, it will not be as simple as shutting down the factory, closing the factory, and quarantining all employees. All relevant responsible persons will not be able to escape legal punishment, and they will also need to bear the huge expenses caused by the isolation of all employees.

In order to reduce the probability of infection events, various epidemic prevention and control materials are essential. Not to mention the price of these supplies, there is nowhere to buy them. If a factory has 100 workers, it will consume at least 200 masks a day. Although many areas have gradually opened up the purchase of masks, the number of masks per day is only tens of thousands, and the consumption rate of normal production workers in the factory cannot keep up.

Others such as alcohol, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, etc. are basically given priority to areas with severe epidemics. It is very difficult for ordinary textile factories to ensure that these supplies are available every day.

The shutdown will not affect operations

The shutdown reduces operating costs

“Although production has been suspended during this period, But I’m not under great pressure,” said the person in charge of a company that owns more than 300 looms. It’s puzzling that the boss didn’t become anxious after the shutdown, but you’ll understand after understanding the cost of starting work!

The workers in his weaving factory are all locals, so there is no problem of workers reworking. As long as they are willing, they can start normal production immediately. However, the more than 300 looms weave the most common and conventional fabrics. The cost of one machine per day is just over 100 yuan, which is more than 30,000 yuan a day. If he starts work a month later, he will spend nearly 1 million less. This does not include the cost of preparing raw materials 30 days in advance, as well as the backlog of gray fabrics and funds caused by the deserted market transactions. When production is suspended, all these expenses are saved, which is like providing timely help for factories with tight capital chains.

Sales have preceded production

In 2019, the entire textile market was indifferent, and most of the Most textile companies mainly carry similar inventories, especially conventional product inventories, which are surprisingly high. However, the shutdown of factories due to the epidemic does not affect fabric sales, and can even be said to be an excellent opportunity for fabric sales.

The owner of the gray cloth factory said that their factory does not plan to start operations yet, but it has not affected the sales of gray cloth at all. The current sales situation of gray cloth is even a bit unexpectedly good. There are many types of hot-selling gray fabrics in front of us, including both conventional products and unconventional products. The inventory of unconventional products is even a little tight.

The reason for this situation is mainly that some old customers are buying goods. They know that the price of gray fabric is the cheapest at this time. As long as they have regular orders in hand, it is completely appropriate to prepare some gray fabric at this time. no problem. The cloth boss himself also admitted that the current sales of gray fabrics are all about running out of sales. The stockings from the previous year have been cleared as much as possible, and the profit is only a few cents per meter.

Although the profit is not much, when the cost of various expenses has dropped significantly, these backlog of funds can be returned in time, which is a big profit. And because most other factories are not operating, they are not too worried about the loss of workers. This is an advantage that the company did not have in the past when it proactively lowered its operating rate to digest inventory.

This pneumonia epidemic has changed us a lot, and many textile bosses seem to be less willing to start production. Of course, we cannot ignore the current difficulties. The situation of recruitment and epidemic prevention is still very serious, so some bosses have to continue to wait. However, the suspension of production does not affect operations. Expenses and costs are greatly reduced, coupled with the return of funds from inventory sales, many bosses are happy to enjoy the “big profits” brought by the shutdown. </p

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Author: clsrich
