China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News With a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, more than 20 people can be fired at one time! The textile winter has arrived: salary cuts are just the beginning, unemployment may be the result!

With a monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, more than 20 people can be fired at one time! The textile winter has arrived: salary cuts are just the beginning, unemployment may be the result!

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics announced that the national urban unemployment rate was 5.9% in May, compared with 5.9% in March and 6.0% in April.%20%20The overall dow…

Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics announced that the national urban unemployment rate was 5.9% in May, compared with 5.9% in March and 6.0% in April.%20%20The overall downward trend is not yet obvious, and the national unemployment rate is still at a high level, which of course includes our textile industry.%20%20Over the past six months, the overseas epidemic still shows no sign of being controlled, which is also bad news for our textile industry, which relies heavily on foreign trade exports.%20%20

The lack of orders has run through the entire textile industry chain. Factories with work being done and busy workers seem a bit unusual. Instead, there are empty workshops and nothing to do.%20%20Workers seem to be what factories and enterprises of all types should be in at this time.%20%20The work is easier and there is more free time, which is a “happiness” worry for workers and employees who go out to make money!%20%20After all, less working hours and less content will inevitably result in a sharp drop in income.%20%20

Income dropped to 1/4, business cards distributed on the roadside%20%20Looking for customers

“I am a salesperson in a dyeing factory. Normally, my annual business expenses are more than 20 million, about 200 per month.%20%20It’s about 500,000 yuan, but this year it’s basically only about 500,000 yuan per month in the past few months. Our salary commission is 2.5%. In the past, our monthly income was about 50,000 yuan. In order to facilitate the operation of orders, we also hired a follower.%20%20But now the monthly income is only more than 10,000 yuan, and I can barely afford to follow orders.” said a senior salesman from a dyeing factory.%20%20

The number of dyeing factories on the market is limited and scarce, the customer resources are relatively stable, and the order volume is relatively guaranteed. However, this year they have truly experienced what an off-season is.%20%20The salesperson’s business expenses and income reduced to 1/4 of the original value mentioned above are actually an intuitive manifestation of the state of the dyeing factory.%20%20

Dyeing factory salesman looking for customers

In the past, it was rarely heard that dyeing factory salesmen needed to go around to find customers and place orders.%20%20Because their customers and orders come to them on their own initiative, but this year’s difficult environment has also forced them out.%20%20Some introduce themselves and look for customers in various textile groups, and some have even gone around the streets and started handing out business cards to various textile merchants.%20%20

Dyeing factories and other key enterprises in the industry are having such a miserable life, and other textile companies are even more miserable.%20%20An employee engaged in the fabric trade said that they used to pay a salary of 3,000 yuan per month, and other income was settled at the end of the year.%20%20However, since the beginning of this year, only 1,000 yuan has been distributed every month. There is no regular schedule as to how long it will continue, and the final commission settlement at the end of the year cannot be expected.%20%20

The income has been reduced, but at least there is still income. I am afraid that what is waiting is not a reduction in income but a notice of dismissal of employees!%20%20

Deductions and fines are common, and more than 20 people are fired at one time

According to an employee from a textile foreign trade company in Shanghai, their company has recently laid off more than 20 employees. These employees are all business assistants. When the business volume is large, they play a great role and can share a lot of work.%20%20.%20%20But these are also jobs with low technical content, so they will be the first to be affected when the company’s orders decline.%20%20However, the company compensated them in strict accordance with labor laws and did not make them suffer. However, it is very difficult to enter the same type of work again this year. After all, not many textile foreign trade companies are doing well.%20%20

It is very bad to be fired from the company%20%20It’s over, but it’s okay if we can get the compensation we deserve in accordance with the law, but not all companies in the market are willing to pay a sum of money for their employees in the end.

An employee of a textile foreign trade company in Shanghai also said that they are fabric inspectors in the company. As long as the company has fabric orders in progress, they usually need to travel all over the country to inspect the fabrics that are about to be shipped. Since frequent business trips are difficult, so%20%20Their income is also relatively good, sometimes nearly 20,000 yuan a month. But recently it is obviously unrealistic, because they basically sit in the company with nowhere to go.

Forget about the decrease in income, the company often finds them in trouble, because their salary is a big expense, and they are a bit redundant now that there is no work to do. Moreover, the company is not willing to take the initiative to fire them to bear various compensations.%20%20As a result, money deductions and fines were issued for various reasons. One was to reduce their income and even force them to resign.

It can be said that all textile people who persisted this year have had a hard time. Ordinary employees have to face a sharp drop in income while also%20%20You have to worry about being fired; but the life of the boss is not easy. If you don’t have orders, you have to bear all kinds of expenses, and you also have to face the risk of bankruptcy.


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Author: clsrich
