fabric static electricity

(1) What is static electricity? All substances are directly composed of atoms. Usually atoms have the same electrons (negative charge) and protons (positive charge), so normally th…

(1) What is static electricity? All substances are directly composed of atoms. Usually atoms have the same electrons (negative charge) and protons (positive charge), so normally the atoms are uncharged. When we rub them, the electrons will move from this one Atoms move to other atoms, so some atoms gain extra electrons and become negatively charged, and some atoms lose electrons and become positively charged. When charges separate, we call it static electricity. Some substances can hold their electrons very tightly, and the electrons cannot move easily. We are called insulators. Plastics, clothes, glass, and dry air are all good insulators. On the contrary, it is a conductor, and most substances are good conductors of electricity.

(2) How is static electricity generated? Experiments have proven that all electrical insulators can generate static electricity and accumulate it after intense friction. This is called electrostatic phenomenon or triboelectricity. In frictional electrification, two objects rubbing against each other must be charged with different types of charges at the same time. As for which one has static charge and which one has negative charge, it can be determined from the order in the attached table. Charging order: watch hand, glass, hair, nylon, fur, silk, paper, cotton, hard rubber, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, plastic. The closer to the top, the easier it is to be positively charged when rubbed. The closer to the bottom, the easier it is to be negatively charged when rubbed. Objects can be charged negatively after friction. The positive or negative charge is due to the fact that the object is an insulator and the generated charge cannot be conducted out and is stored. Objects with the same electric charge repel each other, and objects with different electric charges attract each other. The repulsive or attractive force displayed by charged objects is called electric power.

(3) How to prevent the generation or adsorption of static electricity? There are many ways to eliminate static electricity, such as increasing air humidity to prevent the occurrence of static electricity. Or add a coating, such as antistatic agent, on the surface of objects prone to static electricity. Among them, the method of applying antistatic agent is the simplest. For example, fibers that cannot be spun originally can be spun after being treated with antistatic agents. Synthetic fiber shirts make no sound when they are taken off, all of which have achieved good results. Antistatic agents can impart hygroscopicity, lubricity (reduce friction coefficient), and ionicity (itself is ions) to the fiber surface. Therefore, the fiber surface becomes an easy conductor, and the charges generated by friction immediately escape to In the distance, electricity is no longer gathering.

(4) What is the connection between anti-static and anti-electromagnetic waves? The principle of anti-static is that because it is an easily conductive conductor, it can conduct the generated charge to a distant place and eliminate static electricity. The principle of anti-electromagnetic waves is that it can absorb electromagnetic waves and convert them into trace amounts of heat energy to dissipate. Therefore, both use good conductors as media to convert absorbed static electricity or electromagnetic waves into other energy and release them.

(5) How to apply it to fabrics? Due to the high spinning speed of synthetic fibers, if the static electricity generated is not properly treated, they will repel each other, resulting in the inability to spin. You will experience wearing a shirt made of synthetic fibers. When you take it off, there will sometimes be a crackling sound, and you can see sparks if it is in a dark place. This phenomenon occurs in dry weather and is harmless but unpleasant. It is effective to use antistatic agents to eliminate static electricity generated by friction of synthetic fibers. Commonly used surfactants can be used as antistatic agents. However, due to washing, friction, time changes, etc., the prevention effect will be reduced, so the effect is only short-term. of. In order to obtain a more lasting effect, there are methods to form a cationic polymer compound film that is insoluble in water, hygroscopic, and electrically conductive on the surface of the fiber. There are also methods to add good conductors such as metal fibers as permanent anti-electricity. processing method.

Extended reading: https://www. alltextile.cn/product/product-44-111.html
Extended reading: https ://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9402.html
Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/DE-29-Memory-Fabric.html
Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/300D-Oxford-Fabric.html
Extended reading:https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-79-925.html
Extended reading:https://www.brandfabric.net/ottoman-pongee-coated-breathable-fabric/
Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/DE-15-Memory- Fabric.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product /product-27-969.html
Extended reading: https://www .brandfabric.net/polyester-dobby-3-laminated-fabric/
Extended reading:https://www.yingjietex.com/product/Peach-coat-with-breathable-Fabric.htm

Author: clsrich
