China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News The epidemic has already caused enough trouble, and this time even the weather is playing tricks on us! This year’s typhoon season has begun, and textile workers should pay attention to the “dangers” faced by severe weather!

The epidemic has already caused enough trouble, and this time even the weather is playing tricks on us! This year’s typhoon season has begun, and textile workers should pay attention to the “dangers” faced by severe weather!

Every year in August, it is the season when typhoons occur frequently. All kinds of typhoons with Western names will come from all directions, giving the cities passing by a storm.…

Every year in August, it is the season when typhoons occur frequently. All kinds of typhoons with Western names will come from all directions, giving the cities passing by a storm. Suddenly devastated… For our textile industry, the impact of the typhoon is also very bad!

The adverse impact caused by the typhoon , textile people vividly remember it!

A trader in the Wujiang area said: “I heard that the typhoon was windy and rainy the year before last, causing the entire workshop of a textile factory to be flooded, and more than 200 packages of cloth were lost. Basically they were all scrapped. This time we originally had an order for shipment on the 5th, but the weather forecast said that a typhoon was coming, and the customer wanted this batch of goods urgently. We were afraid that transportation would be delayed during the typhoon, so we rushed It went out on the 2nd. Although it did not affect us this time, there have always been too many accidents during typhoons, so we can only take the most prudent approach.”

In addition to water intrusion into the factory and scrapped gray fabrics, there are also other potential risks that need to be alerted during typhoon days, such as fires and lightning strikes. There were also instances in the past few years when gray fabrics flew into the sky due to strong winds. Textile workers also lamented: “We finally got the order, but the weather is playing tricks on us again.” It is now the season of frequent typhoons. Although the impact this time Not big, but textile workers also need to pay attention to avoid similar situations during typhoon days.

The “Golden Nine” countdown is one month away, how is the market?

Since last week, the market has begun to release some signs of recovery. According to some traders in the Wujiang area, the number of samples and samples on the market has begun to increase in recent times, and some orders have also begun. issued. Although the market has not improved on a large scale, there are signs of improvement for individual products, especially T8, four-way stretch, etc., which are mainly autumn and winter fabrics. “Although there haven’t been many orders recently, there are a lot of proofs. Now I have 10 proofs on hand. I hope they can be converted into orders by then.” A trader said. Coincidentally, another industry and trade enterprise that makes gall cloth said. “Our orders are very good now. One container is delivered every day, and the factory is operating at full capacity.”

It is now August, and the market is at the dividing point between the off-season and the peak season. The market has begun to transition from the off-season to the peak season, which can also be seen from the situation in dyeing factories. It is understood that the current operating rate of some printing and dyeing factories in Changshu and Shengze has increased compared with the previous period, from 55% to 65%, and the amount of gray fabrics entering the warehouse is also greater than before. According to a follower from a dyeing factory: “It used to take only three days from the arrival of the gray cloth to the shipment, but now it takes at least five days.”

But some people eat meat, and naturally some people can only drink porridge. Some manufacturers of conventional products say that production and sales are still uneven recently, and everyone We are basically taking turns and holidays every month, and the inventory in the factory is close to a high of more than two months. The phenomenon of selling goods at low prices is very frequent in the market. A person in charge of a weaving factory that produces imitation silk said: “In order to win orders, we will lower our prices by 1-2 cents. First, we want to ensure that we do not run out of stock during the off-season. Second, we hope that the low price will attract customers to place orders or stock up. Bring back some funds.”

It can be seen that although this year has been affected by the epidemic, it is not uncommon for domestic and foreign clothing companies to go bankrupt, close stores, and reduce business. The sharp reduction in order volume has a greater impact on fabric traders, weaving factories and dyeing factories. However, judging from the current market performance, although it is in the off-season, there are still bright spots to be found.

As some cloth bosses said: “The performance in this year’s off-season is still okay. I originally thought that this time would be weaker than before, but I didn’t expect that the sales would be okay. . This gives us certain expectations for the next Golden Nine and Silver Ten. Although there will definitely not be explosive orders this year, we will be satisfied as long as we have some orders.”

小 The editor also believes that the peak season will still come. After all, rigid demand still exists, but the market has entered an era of serious overcapacity. The quality and added value of products are very important. This is also a prerequisite for customers to choose suppliers. Whether they can accept orders during the peak season When placing an order, it still depends on whether the product can meet the customer’s requirements.


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Author: clsrich
