China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News [Textile headlines] Stretch chiffon on sale for 2 yuan/meter! The peak season of artificial silk is lonely, and the business of spring and summer fabrics is still bleak. Textile boss: think of a way!

[Textile headlines] Stretch chiffon on sale for 2 yuan/meter! The peak season of artificial silk is lonely, and the business of spring and summer fabrics is still bleak. Textile boss: think of a way!

The recent textile market has maintained a good development situation. The hot sales of autumn and winter fabrics have once again pushed the textile market into the peak season, bu…

The recent textile market has maintained a good development situation. The hot sales of autumn and winter fabrics have once again pushed the textile market into the peak season, but there is one The question also arises: Will spring and summer fabrics such as imitation silk be able to enjoy the same peak season benefits as autumn and winter fabrics in the near future?

The reality is not satisfactory. Spring and summer fabrics are still in a tepid state. …

Of course, this situation is very pessimistic. In the first half of the year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the “gold, three, silver and four” fabrics that were supposed to be popular in spring and summer were not satisfactory. Those who advocated The textile bosses who deal in imitation silk must not have made much money this year, and may have even lost a lot. The company’s inventory is also overstocked, and there will be financial difficulties. So the imitation silk bosses are thinking hard about selling during this peak season. Throwing away some gray fabric can be regarded as asking the company to return some money.

If the fabric is not popular, why not just sell it as lining?

As the weather gradually cools down, autumn and winter fabrics are gradually becoming more popular. Nowadays, it is not just stretch fabrics that are selling well, but almost all autumn and winter fabrics are becoming popular. It is precisely because of the popularity of autumn and winter fabrics that linings such as pongee and polyester taffeta have also become popular, so textile bosses have focused on this area…

“Autumn and winter fabrics are indeed very popular recently, but we mainly make imitation silk, so we don’t have many follow-up orders, and the availability rate is only 60% So it is not the peak season for us now, but we are relying on the popularity of autumn and winter fabrics and have indeed sold some gray fabrics. Generally speaking, the market is not bad.” A textile boss in Yishengze area who specializes in imitation silk express.

You must know that the volume of simulated silk in Shengze area is still very large, and the hot sales of autumn and winter fabrics do not match the specialization of these textile bosses, so many simulated silk companies still It is bleak, and it is also a helpless move for textile bosses to sell the originally hot-selling spring and summer fabrics as linings.

The demand for linings is still very large, and textile bosses do not choose to use them as linings because of too much inventory. Through unremitting research and development, one cloth has multiple uses, and for textile circles It is a very big progress. The touch of imitation silk is difficult to achieve with some ordinary linings. Moreover, some imitation silk can not only be used as lining for spring and summer clothing, but also for autumn and winter clothing.

Will the price of the lining drop? No, just to survive!

“Recently, we have been selling relatively good elastic chiffon, which can sell 10,000 to 20,000 meters a day, but these are almost all sold as linings, and the price is also very low. There is no way, now In order to survive, we have to sell!” said a textile boss in Shengze area.

Some time ago, I mentioned that Huayao Crepe, which was still on sale last year, was completely reduced to lining material due to the epidemic this year. However, Huayao Crepe is an old variety and has been eliminated. It is expected that it will be reduced to lining, and I don’t think it is a pity. However, the elastic chiffon mentioned by the boss above was still a hot item in the past few years. A textile boss said: “The textile market in the past few years was still hot. In the world of chiffon fabrics, stretch chiffon like this can be purchased for nearly 5 yuan/meter at its best. It was a very good fabric a few years ago and was very popular. It also sold well last year at a very good price. It’s also nearly 4 yuan/meter.”

It is also a recent occurrence that stretch chiffon has been used as lining According to my understanding, the current asking price in the market is about 2.8 yuan/meter, which is nearly half the price difference from the hottest time. Of course, the textile bosses are very reluctant to have such a thing happen, but there is no way. The market will follow the demand. Yes, but turning it into lining is not a cheap thing. Modern people also value comfort while pursuing beauty. Just like some expensive silk fabrics may also be used as lining, so even if it is turned into lining Materials, some imitation silk still have a certain position in the textile market.

With the popularity of autumn and winter fabrics, today’s textile market is back on track. This year is a special year. This year is unforgettable for textile bosses, but it is precisely because Now that the market is so hot, the alarm bell of overcapacity still needs to sound. Of course, textile bosses who specialize in spring and summer fabrics don’t have to worry. After this period, as long as the market is stable, the next “spring” will belong to spring and summer fabrics!


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Author: clsrich
