China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News The market goods are gone, but the order goods are coming! The textile market in November is still “good”!

The market goods are gone, but the order goods are coming! The textile market in November is still “good”!

Dyeing factories in October have attracted much attention due to serious liquidation and queues. However, this wave of hot prices is not favored by some market participants. They b…

Dyeing factories in October have attracted much attention due to serious liquidation and queues. However, this wave of hot prices is not favored by some market participants. They believe that there will be such a wave of market prices at this time every year. This year is no exception, but the overall industry situation is not good and is bound to fall back soon. It’s already November, so let’s take a closer look at the situation in dyeing factories.

1 The operating rate of dyeing plants remains unchanged

First of all, let’s look at the dyeing factory market from the perspective of the operating rate of dye vats. At present, the overall operating rate of dyeing factories in Wujiang remains at 90%, which is unchanged from October. Judging from the start-up rate figures alone, there is no change from October, but there are still some differences in the actual dyeing factory market. In October, with an operating rate of 90%, the dyeing factory was in a state of liquidation, with serious jams and delivery times reaching more than 15-20 days. However, under such a hot market, why is the startup rate only 90% and not 100%?

01 The operating rate of dyeing factories in October was only 90% affected by the shortage of workers

On the one hand, although the dyeing factory market was indeed very hot in October, There are still a small number of manufacturers that are only receiving orders in a mediocre manner, with a startup rate of only 50% to 60%, which has also lowered the overall startup level. On the other hand, it is also a very important factor. The dyeing factory, which is very popular, has not been able to fully operate the dye vats. This is due to the shortage of workers. The existing number of workers is only enough to operate 80-90% of the machines.

A salesperson from a dyeing factory whose market has been very popular since October told the editor: “Since October, the number of warehouses has increased, and the operating rate of dye vats has been around 70-80%. There is a lot of work, but there is a serious shortage. Workers simply cannot run so many machines. Especially in the pre-processing process, there are few workers and the pre-processing is very slow. The dye vats are all waiting to be finished, so there is no need to open the dye vats at all.”

02 The market dropped slightly in November, but the operating rate of dyeing factories is still 90%

It is said that the overall market situation has declined, which is better than that in October. However, the dye vat operating rate remains at 90%. On the one hand, the lackluster market conditions are partial. The main reason is that the market goods have been greatly reduced as the “Double Eleven” stock preparation has ended. However, domestic sales orders have not decreased like market goods, but are showing signs of increasing. Therefore, the current inventory of gray fabrics in some order-based dyeing factories can still support a 90% operating rate.

A large local dyeing factory was severely out of stock due to a large amount of market goods entering its warehouse in October, and the delivery time was about one month. Entering November, market goods left the market and the market took a turn for the worse. A salesperson from the factory said: “Market goods are basically finished. In the past, market goods were given priority and orders came last. Now, as we are working hard to rush into production, the backlog of orders is no longer available. Under such circumstances, the delivery time is about one About a week.”

The situation of another dyeing factory that mainly relies on orders all year round is the opposite. Due to the increase in order volume, the delivery time has been extended than before. It is understood that the current general order needs to be processed for more than half a month, while the special product suede needs to be processed for more than 20 days. However, the delivery time in October was only more than 10 days, and now the delivery time has been significantly extended.

Even some dyeing factories that mainly sell market goods and have reduced warehouse volume will not immediately reduce their operating rates due to the reduction in order volume. Nowadays, the shortage of workers in dyeing factories is very serious, so the workers who were finally recruited need to be retained. If the operating rate is suddenly reduced, it may affect the wages of workers and lead to the loss of personnel again. And the current market has slightly declined, which may only be short-term, and there is still the possibility of an increase. Therefore, the operating rate will not change immediately with changes in the market, and a transition period is required.

2 The dyeing factory’s delivery time is reduced by about 5-10 days

From the dyeing Looking at the factory’s delivery time, the overall delivery time this week is 10-15 days, while the delivery time in October can reach more than 15-20 days. There is a clear gap. The change in the shipping time from the dyeing factory does clearly reflect the recent decrease in warehouse entry and the improvement in delivery time. However, if the delivery time is analyzed in detail, the delivery time of each gray fabric variety in each dyeing factory is different. The production speed of conventional polyester taffeta, pongee, nylon, etc. is relatively simple due to the simpler dyeing process. The delivery time of most dyeing factories is about 7 days. For some popular dyeing factories, the delivery time for such conventional varieties is around 10 days, which is faster than in October.

The dyeing process of stretch fabrics, which has been very popular recently, is more complex and requires more time. In addition, the quantity of such gray fabrics entering the warehouse is large, resulting in The delivery time is longer than regular gray fabric. According to a salesperson at a dyeing factory that mainly sells stretch fabrics: “Now the factory has less goods on the market, but there are still orders. Regular gray fabrics are shipped in about 7 days. But there are still a lot of four-sided stretch fabrics, and it takes more than 20 days to ship. .”


Whether it is from the dyeing factory’s operating rate or delivery date, it can be seen that the recent dyeing factory market has indeed shown a downward trend. But it is just a reduction in market goods. Although the order quantity of market goods is very large, which can greatly affect the warehousing volume and production speed of the dyeing factory, but…In fact, it did not have a big impact. This shows that the order volume is increasing, and the overall market order situation is still acceptable, with slight signs of slackening. The weak market is also mainly reflected in the market goods. The most obvious feature of this kind of orders is that they come and go quickly. They are issued in a centralized manner and ended in a unified manner, so it is reasonable.

Although the market goods have ended, orders are still being placed. The editor believes that the market conditions in November may not drop quickly. In addition, according to the practice of previous years, the market situation in the second half of the year can roughly continue until the end of the year. Therefore, Boss Bu should still maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and confidence is indispensable.


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Author: clsrich
