China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News The order “flare” goes off! The canceled Christmas season, the hesitant spring and summer… are expected to return, will the textile industry be busy again?

The order “flare” goes off! The canceled Christmas season, the hesitant spring and summer… are expected to return, will the textile industry be busy again?

On the evening of November 9th, Beijing time, Pfizer and BioNTech announced that their jointly developed COVID-19 vaccine candidate achieved results in an interim analysis of the P…

On the evening of November 9th, Beijing time, Pfizer and BioNTech announced that their jointly developed COVID-19 vaccine candidate achieved results in an interim analysis of the Phase 3 clinical trial study. made significant progress. In the double-blind trial, the vaccine’s effectiveness exceeded 90% 7 days after the second injection, which means that the protective effect can be achieved 28 days after the first injection, far exceeding expectations and FDA listing requirements. Pfizer CEO said that it is expected that the new crown vaccine research should be completed before the end of the month. Pfizer and Biotech hope to produce 50 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year.

The major vaccine breakthrough triggered a carnival in global capital markets. U.S. stocks soared after the opening, and international crude oil prices once soared by more than 10%. Obviously, the good news about the vaccine directly stimulated the global stock market and crude oil market. The effective development of vaccines actually brings far more than these benefits, and also has an impact on the textile industry that cannot be underestimated.


Firstofall,althoughPfizerandBiotechhavestatedthattheymayproduce50milliondosesofthenewcrownvaccinebeforetheendofthisyear.IfPfizerandBioNTech’sdevelopmentgoessmoothly,somepeoplewillbesuccessfullyvaccinatedbeforeChristmas.Althoughitwilltakeatleasttwomonthsformassproductionandputtingintouse,thenewanti-epidemicrestrictionscurrentlyintroducedinEuropewillnotbeimmediatelyliftedduetothisgoodnews,butitcanboostpeople’s confidence to a large extent. There is still one and a half months until Christmas, and cities that originally canceled their Christmas markets may resume them later.

And Christmas will greatly affect the sales of foreign terminal clothing. For European cities with or without the cancellation of Christmas markets, the vaccine Good news will stimulate the purchase of clothing to a certain extent. So in the short term, the sales of winter clothing produced this year may return to normal levels in previous years, and the possibility of large quantities of unsalable products is reduced. This is undoubtedly great news for terminal clothing manufacturers.

An old foreign trade master said: “We mainly focus on work clothes. This type of clothing can be said to be needed for a long time and will not be affected by the epidemic and will not reduce demand. However, the order volume this year has still been affected. The main reason for the impact is the inability to export to some European countries, the inability to receive goods, or the shutdown of clothing factories that produce such clothing due to the epidemic. These reasons have led to a reduction in orders, not a reduction in terminal demand. After the new crown vaccine is released, European exports It will definitely recover, which is conducive to receiving orders.”

Long-term impact: Clothing demand may rise next spring and summer, and foreign trade orders will increase
Not long ago, some traders were hit by the outbreak of the epidemic again in Europe. In the case of canceled orders, now that the good news about the vaccine has come out and market confidence has recovered, the resumption of such orders in the future will be just around the corner. In the long term, confidence in the entire textile market will be restored again, which will also play a certain role in promoting the placement of orders for next spring and summer. According to the practice in previous years, November to the Spring Festival is the peak season for spring and summer clothing orders, especially in the foreign trade market. This period will be the time when orders are concentrated. Now that we have just entered early November, and with the boost of good news about vaccines, the possibility of clothing orders returning to normal levels in spring and summer next year has further increased.
The person in charge of a foreign trade company that mainly produces spring and summer fabrics for women’s clothing said: “Our company originally exported to Brazil and Russia this year. Due to the epidemic, we did not have a single order for large quantities of goods. We have only started sending samples for proofing now. After the vaccine comes out, , it is estimated that the possibility of large-scale shipments is a little higher.”

Go to Looking further ahead, it may even affect next year’s autumn and winter clothing orders. If this year’s winter clothes sell well during the Christmas season and there is little inventory left, then the demand for stocking next year’s autumn and winter clothes will increase, and there will not be the situation where some clothing brands announced the cancellation of some autumn orders this year. In other words, in the post-epidemic era, the impact caused in the early stage will gradually be eliminated, especially the foreign trade market may usher in disruptive changes. Postscript

Pfizer announced that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine it developed can effectively prevent 90% of infections, and the global market has been injected with powerful “stimulants.” The most direct impact at present is to restore the confidence of many textile people. Whether these changes in the foreign trade market can be implemented?�It will mainly depend on the development and use of subsequent vaccines. The editor believes that both the epidemic and the market will move towards a brighter future with the improvement of vaccines.


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Author: clsrich
