China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News The down jackets that garment factories are working hard to produce are being sold to fabric dealers at a price of 100 yuan/3 pieces! The price after the craziness of e-commerce may reach a new high in gray fabric inventory!

The down jackets that garment factories are working hard to produce are being sold to fabric dealers at a price of 100 yuan/3 pieces! The price after the craziness of e-commerce may reach a new high in gray fabric inventory!

Last week, the textile market saw good news about the release of the COVID-19 vaccine and a new high in Double Eleven sales. Under the influence of these two major news, the upper …

Last week, the textile market saw good news about the release of the COVID-19 vaccine and a new high in Double Eleven sales. Under the influence of these two major news, the upper and lower industrial chains have improved to varying degrees. But it is more about the improvement in market confidence, which is reflected in the slight improvement in actual orders. While producing like crazy, some companies have already encountered some problems.
Garment factories are producing down jackets like crazy, and some companies have already put tens of thousands of pieces in stock

According to a clothing factory buyer, all jacket factories have started producing down jackets this year, and most of them have started to produce down jackets. Some garment factories are constantly producing down jackets and business is very good. However, winter has not yet arrived, and problems have already arisen. It is reported that a women’s clothing e-commerce brand has recently encountered the problem of a large number of chargebacks. Because we conducted pre-sales before the Double Eleven event and placed orders with suppliers based on the pre-sale quantity, we did not grasp the production time well, which delayed the order delivery time. Therefore, we received many negative reviews and refunds from customers. one. In the end, an astonishing inventory of 20 million yuan was formed, of which more than 10,000 down jackets were squeezed out.

Weaving trading companies have also begun the annual season of selling down jackets to collect payment. It is understood that in addition to the down jackets newly received this year, there are also unsold stocks from last year on the market. This year’s newly produced down jackets only cost about 150 yuan each, and last year’s inventory was even cheaper, selling for only 100 yuan/3 pieces.


Thenegativefactorsaredifficulttodissipate,andtheenthusiasmofthemarketisstillbeinggraduallysuppressed.Negativefactorsaredifficulttodissipate,andmarketenthusiasmisstillbeinggraduallysuppressed.Afterall,theimpactofthenewsonthemarketislimited,andtheefficacyofthevaccine’s “stimulant” is gradually fading.
The epidemic worsens in many overseas countries

Although news of Pfizer’s vaccine initially alleviated the epidemic and the subsequent market rebound, infection rates and hospitalization rates are still rising in many countries, which is a clear indication that as the second As the epidemic sweeps across various countries, the actual situation in winter will worsen.

The result of the U.S. election is undecided

As for the U.S. election, although many U.S. media have announced that Biden “won” the election, U.S. President Trump refuses to lose, and the campaign team is Key swing states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania launched legal challenges to the election results. That is to say, the results of the general election are still not settled, and there is the possibility of recurrence.

According to a cloth boss, we just received a 100 For an order of 10,000 meters, I received news this week that 1/3 of the meter was cancelled. Although orders have not been completely canceled, 1/3 of the quantity has been cancelled, which also shows that clothing brands are becoming cautious about the pre-sale quantity of clothing.

Downstream weaving companies have undergone subtle changes, and the market has a downward trend
The current gray fabric trading market transactions are acceptable, cloth bosses still have executable orders on hand, and the popularity of dyeing factories has not declined, but the weaving companies’ The opening rate has still changed. According to the sample data monitoring of China Silk City Network, the operating rate of weaving enterprises in Shengze area is around 84%, down 1% from last week. Although the decline in the operating rate is very small, it shows that the weaving market has a downward trend, and the mentality of cloth bosses has undergone subtle changes.

Similarly, in terms of gray fabric inventory, since September, weaving companies have ushered in a major The trend of destocking by a wide margin. According to the monitoring of sample data from China Silk City Network, the inventory days of gray fabrics at weaving enterprises in Shengze once dropped to about 40 days, a decrease of 4 days from before September. But now, the inventory has risen slightly to 41 days. It is still a slight rebound, but it can remind us that the order volume is gradually decreasing and the market situation may weaken further.

Hot market conditions are what all textile people dream of. Especially this year, this wave of market conditions has finally arrived, and everyone wants to seize it. But we cannot just see the positive factors and blindly follow the trend of production while ignoring the negative factors. The general environment has been turbulent recently, and cloth bosses need to make careful judgments when hoarding raw materials, stocking gray fabrics, and accepting orders.


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Author: clsrich
