China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Polyester production and sales have improved significantly in recent times, and the year-end stocking surge may have started in advance! Polyester prices are about to rise, are textile bosses going to buy the bottom?

Polyester production and sales have improved significantly in recent times, and the year-end stocking surge may have started in advance! Polyester prices are about to rise, are textile bosses going to buy the bottom?

Driven by international oil prices, polyester raw materials PTA and ethylene glycol have surged, and the price of polyester yarn has also begun to rebound. On the 9th, the price of…

Driven by international oil prices, polyester raw materials PTA and ethylene glycol have surged, and the price of polyester yarn has also begun to rebound. On the 9th, the price of polyester yarn There was a significant increase. The polyester yarn price of a major major factory in Tongxiang increased by 150 yuan, and the polyester yarn price of a major factory in Jiangsu increased by 100 yuan.

At the same time, production and sales also picked up again. On the 8th, the average production and sales reached 100%-200%. The production and sales of some factories can reach 300%!

As can be seen from the polyester production and sales chart, since November, the production and sales of polyester have increased. There is a clear improvement, and the number of times exceeding 100 is more than before. Does this mean that the cloth boss has started to stock up on raw materials? So is now a good time to stock up on ingredients?

The end of the year stocking wave may start early

There are still 2 months left before the New Year. Before the New Year, some weaving Manufacturers will stock up in advance, on the one hand, to ensure production after the new year, and on the other hand, according to the tradition of previous years, the price of raw materials will generally increase after the new year, and stocking up in advance can earn a certain price difference.

Currently for Boss Bu , polyester price and terminal demand are important factors that affect whether they stock up on raw materials. Now, driven by costs, although the price of polyester has risen to a certain extent, and the good news about vaccines has supported the continued rise of polyester, but After experiencing the extreme plunge in polyester raw materials during the epidemic this year, weaving bosses are generally more cautious and do not dare to risk stocking up. Most of them have adopted a buy-and-use strategy. “Although from the current point of view, there is a high probability that the price of polyester yarn will rise in the later period, our prediction may not be very large. In fact, compared with the surge in raw materials, we still hope that polyester yarn can be stable and not rise or fall sharply. Once the upstream raw materials are hot but the downstream fabrics fail to keep up, the increase in polyester filament will become our burden, which is equivalent to using high-priced raw materials to weave low-priced cloth.” said a weaving factory owner.

Therefore, the current downstream demand situation is an important factor affecting whether the entire industry starts a stocking wave. According to research, since December, many bosses have said that new orders have been placed. Not smooth, “Now the orders for Double Twelve have basically been completed, and there will be no more orders.” According to data monitored by China Silk City Network, the current operating rate of looms in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is about 80%, which is the same as in the previous period. It has declined compared to previous years, but due to cost constraints, not many companies have actually reduced their operating rates. Therefore, the operating rate is at about the same level as in previous years. Weaving manufacturers still have strong demand for polyester yarns. At the same time, they have experienced sluggish production and sales in the early stage. Weaving companies also have replenishment needs.

First take back the money floating outside before you can consider stocking up

In addition to the price of polyester yarn and downstream demand, the funds on hand of the cloth boss are also factors that affect stocking up. During this period, the cloth boss is more concerned about whether the funds can be returned smoothly than taking orders. For An’an, a cloth boss said: “I was actually very excited when I saw that polyester yarn started to rise, but unfortunately I didn’t have enough funds on hand, so I planned to ask for the account first and get the money back as soon as possible. You can consider whether to stock up on raw materials later.”

It is understood that due to the epidemic this year, the textile market has plummeted. Generally speaking, if the market is not good, the payment for goods will The longer the recovery time is, the longer the payment cycle will be in the textile market this year. According to the survey, the payment cycle in the textile market this year is generally longer, ranging from 1 month to 3 months or even more than half a year. In order to get the payment smoothly at the end of the year, it is not necessary to The Shao Textile boss had already started asking for accounts in November. A fabric merchant said: “This year’s account period is basically three months. In order to get the final payment in advance, I went to ask for it at the end of November. I didn’t expect to get a batch of cotton clothes back. I didn’t want these either, but the clothing factory He said that he had no choice but to pay the balance, so he could only take these.”

Another trader also said: “I will start from January next year. I won’t take big orders anymore, but I can still make small ones, but I won’t take big orders until after the new year. If I take a big order in January, all the funds will be there, and it will take at least 3 months to get the money back. Then this year will not be good.” This year, cloth bosses do not have very ample funds on hand, which also restricts their purchase of raw materials.

As the price of polyester yarn begins to bottom out, it rebounds. For weaving companies, it is currently a very tangled matter whether to stock up on raw materials. On the one hand, the current polyester yarn has an upward trend. Once an upward channel is formed, according to the current price, buying it will make a profit. , but on the other hand, there are also variables in upstream raw materials, and the current overseas epidemic situation has not yet spread.Under effective control, the market pie has not been enlarged. Most weaving companies maintain inventory for 2-3 months. The high inventory situation has not improved greatly. The rise of polyester yarn may be affected by these aspects.
Therefore, cloth bosses must have a steelyard in their minds. I hope that cloth bosses will stock up rationally, ensure sufficient cash flow, and choose a method that suits their own enterprises.


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Author: clsrich
