Cotton seed cleaning wind cleaning machine

Cotton seed cleaning wind cleaning machine 2. Wind-powered cleaning machine The wind-powered cleaning machine is designed based on the principle of different densities of cotton an…

Cotton seed cleaning wind cleaning machine

2. Wind-powered cleaning machine
The wind-powered cleaning machine is designed based on the principle of different densities of cotton and impurities. It is mainly composed of a ventilator, a screw conveyor, a straight pipe, a Yangtze chamber, etc. Its structure is shown in Figure 9 -2 shown.
The cotton seeds after ginning are pushed down by the inlet screw conveyor and roll down along the inclined traverse plate 11. The air flow from the blower pipe of the ventilator causes the cotton seeds to be sent upward from the straight pipe into the Yangzi chamber. , stones, broken bricks, metal objects and other unusual debris that are denser than cotton seeds cannot rise to the Yangtze chamber with the airflow, and fall to the heavy debris deposition chamber. The cotton seeds blown into the Yangtze chamber, due to the expansion of volume and the decrease of wind speed, cause the cotton seeds to sink to the screw conveyor, and are transported to the lint stripping machine by the conveyor. Impurities such as dust, free fibers, infertile particles, and shriveled seeds that are lighter than cotton seeds will enter the dust removal device through the exhaust pipe with the air flow.
There is a section of the shaft at the entrance and exit of the cotton seed screw conveyor that is not equipped with spiral blades. This is to make this space often filled with cotton seed and prevent airflow from overflowing. Therefore, before starting the next operation, this gap should be filled with cotton seeds. When the production is stopped and restarted, there is no need to add more cotton seeds.
The wind cleaner is equipped with three adjustment plates, namely, the upper exhaust airflow adjustment plate, the windshield, and the lower exhaust airflow adjustment plate. According to the cotton seed grade, impurity content and cleaning amount, the wind speed and wind direction are adjusted respectively to achieve the best cleaning effect.
(1) The lower debris airflow adjustment plate is a mechanism that adjusts the airflow speed and controls the discharge of heavy debris. When the air volume of the ventilator remains unchanged, if the distance is increased, the flow speed will slow down; otherwise, the flow speed will speed up. The principle of adjusting the airflow adjusting plate is to ensure that heavy debris with a density greater than cotton seeds can fall down completely, and the cotton seeds can be blown up.
(2) The windshield is a device that controls the direction of air flow. The air blown upward by the ventilator encounters the windshield and is deflected toward the Yangtze room. The cotton seeds fall through the gap between the plate opening and the inclined baffle. If the windshield opening is lowered, the distance between the plate opening and the inclined plate will be enlarged; otherwise, the distance will be reduced. According to the flow rate of cotton seeds, the distance can be adjusted appropriately to make the cotton seeds fall smoothly and prevent the airflow from overflowing.
A triangular wind deflector 9 is installed at the lower end of the inclined flow plate, which assists the windshield opening to promote the airflow to turn in advance to ensure that the cotton seeds can fall smoothly.
(3) The airflow regulating plate located on the upper part of the Yangtze chamber is a mechanism for controlling the airflow speed and the discharge of light debris. If the plate mouth is raised, the air flow speed will be accelerated and the cleared objects will increase; otherwise, the cleared objects will increase. Things decrease. According to the grade and characteristics of cotton seeds, correctly adjusting the position of the adjusting plate can not only prevent small cotton seeds from blowing into the dust collection device, but also maximize the removal of light debris such as dust, dry seeds and so on.
In addition to the above three adjustment mechanisms, an adjustment door should also be installed at the air inlet of the ventilator. When the adjustment mechanism of the cleaning machine cannot meet the requirements, the air inlet adjustment door of the ventilator can be adjusted. In this way, when the positions of other adjusting mechanisms remain unchanged, closing the adjusting door will reduce the air volume generated by the ventilator, which can reduce the air flow speed of the entire system; opening the adjusting door wide, the air volume generated by the ventilator will increase, which will reduce the air flow speed of the entire system. The airflow speed increases.
There are currently wind-powered cleaning machines that use a choke valve combination. This kind of cleaning machine is tightly sealed, which can effectively prevent airflow from overflowing and help improve the environment. Its structure is shown in Figure 9-3.


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Author: clsrich
