China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Shaanxi Garment will launch “new specialties” to enhance market competitiveness

Shaanxi Garment will launch “new specialties” to enhance market competitiveness

Shaanxi Garment will launch “new specialties” to enhance market competitiveness According to Shaanxi Provincial Statistical Bureau statistics: In 2006, There are 18 gar…

Shaanxi Garment will launch “new specialties” to enhance market competitiveness

According to Shaanxi Provincial Statistical Bureau statistics: In 2006, There are 18 garment enterprises above designated size in Shaanxi Province, with a garment output of 5.69 million sets, a year-on-year decrease of 4.81%, lower than the national average growth of 11.86% . Clothing production accounted for 0.03% of the country’s total, a decrease of 0.01 percentage points from the previous year. It ranked 22nd in the country, one place lower than the previous year, and ranked third in the ten western provinces, one place lower than the previous year. The total output value of the garment industry in Shaanxi Province was 506.7 million yuan, and the total sales volume was 617.7 million yuan, an increase of 42.7% and 49.35% respectively compared with the same period in 2005. The Shaanxi Provincial Garment Industry Association estimates based on a sample survey of garment enterprises in the province that in 2006 the industry produced 35 million garments, with a total industrial output value of 1.38 billion yuan and total sales of 1.6 billion yuan.

Faced with this answer sheet, Chen Hui’an, vice president of the Shaanxi Garment Industry Association, believes that a breakthrough must be found for the development of Shaanxi’s clothing.

Undertaking gradient transfer requires finishing processing

In recent years, with the clothing industryWith the development of clusters, industrial resources begin to gather in regions and flow between regions. Due to the shortage of land resources, soaring land costs, lack of human resources, rising labor costs, insufficient water and electricity supply, and rising prices of energy and raw materials, some coastal cities face difficulties in continuing to develop labor-intensive processing industries, as well as regional and industrial gradients. Transfer is inevitable. In fact, most of this transfer is the transfer of processing and production.

“Limited to the strict delivery time requirements of foreign trade production, it is difficult for this kind of transfer to extend to inland provinces with inconvenient transportation or long transportation distances in a short period of time. Therefore, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Henan and other places have become pioneers in undertaking gradient transfer. Western regions such as Shaanxi and other provinces have It will become a backup base for gradient transfer,” Chen Hui’an said: “We must do a good job in foreign trade processing and OEM processing first, so that we can lay a solid foundation and better undertake gradient transfer, and through this learning and exchange opportunities to develop Shaanxi’s garment industry and create a number of Shaanxi brands.”

Optimizing the industrial layout to exert the overall effect

Whether the industrial layout is reasonable or not is related to Shaanxi’s clothing For the overall development of the industry, only by optimizing resource allocation can the overall effect be exerted. At this annual meeting, the Shaanxi Garment Industry Association analyzed the regional advantages of Shaanxi’s garment industry and formulated relevant goals.

In Xi’an, textile research and education, cotton spinning industry, garment processing industry and garment market have significant advantages, and the original printing and dyeing industry should be supported. To restore and develop the industry, improve the industrial chain, and rely on Xi’an Textile City, High-tech Development Zone, Huhe Industrial Park and Xi’an Changle Road Clothing Wholesale Market to build Xi’an into my country’s high-tech functional textile and clothing processing and sales base and scientific research center.

No one has me, others have my advantages

In September 2006, the Shaanxi Garment Industry Association established a professional clothing professional committee to build a professional clothing industry, academia, and As a platform for research, cooperation and exchange, the functional professional clothing industry has found a starting point for Shaanxi clothing.

The development of functional professional attire has become the focus of Shaanxi clothing. Professional attire companies have timely adjusted their product structure and business strategies and begun to strengthen cooperation with universities and scientific research units. Companies such as Jingcheng and Jinyi focus on developing anti-static, flame retardant, oil-proof and water-repellent functional professional clothing products in the petrochemical, coal and other industries; Baihe Company has built an export processing base for functional professional clothing; Meishen Company will Applying for awards for installation enhances the competitiveness of enterprises. At present, Shaanxi Province has formed more than 10 professional clothing companies with sales of more than 10 million, and professional clothing has become the pillar of the development of the garment industry in Shaanxi Province.

Shaanxi’s professional clothing, especially special labor protective clothing, is very influential in the country. Because of its scientific research advantages, these garments are closely integrated with energy, heavy industry, coal and other industries in terms of anti-static, anti-bacterial, anti-ultraviolet, etc. , so the development prospects are good.

While professional attire is developing rapidly, in 2006 northern Shaanxi wool cold-proof clothing companies also stood out. A group of companies began to gather and grow, gradually getting rid of the old concepts and focusing on publicity and marketing. Brands such as “Sheep Boss” and “Seven Sheep” have been advertised on CCTV 1, which has had a great impact on domestic peers. The “Yanglaoda” brand has an annual sales volume of more than 1 million pieces and a sales volume of 250 million yuan, and has won the title of “Shaanxi Province Famous Trademark”. The “Seven Sheep” brand has won the title of “Shaanxi Province Famous Brand Product”, and its series of products occupy a large market share in the Northeast and North China markets.

These two new types of clothing have become new specialties of Shaanxi, and “Qin clothing” has a place in the national clothing market.

In the past two years, the combination of industry, academia and research to drive independent innovation and development has become a new trend.It is another focus of the development of garment industry in Western Province. There are now more than 10 colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province that offer textile and clothing majors, including clothingdesign, clothing engineering, marketing, and management majors, ranging from master’s degrees to The secondary school education system is complete, with more than 20,000 students on campus and more than 6,000 graduates of various types every year.

During the Shaanxi Provincial Industry Conference, the Shaanxi Provincial Garment Industry Association organized more than 30 key enterprises in the province to visit Xi’an Polytechnic University and conduct exchanges and discussions on the construction of production, academic and research bases. Many enterprises and Schools have transformed from strangers to partners.

“Highlighting comparative advantages and following a path that suits you is the breakthrough for the development of the garment industry in Shaanxi Province.” Chen Hui’an said. AAVBBCNVM,N. KJO


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Author: clsrich
