How to extend a small favor to your customers?

How to extend a small favor to your customers? Taking advantage of people’s mentality of no reward and no reward, give customers some small favors to achieve your goal. There…

How to extend a small favor to your customers?

Taking advantage of people’s mentality of no reward and no reward, give customers some small favors to achieve your goal. Therefore, some companies take advantage of this and treat customers to a meal or give small gifts to customers before business is started, in order to increase the transaction rate.

Every savvy seller knows that the quality of food has an impact on buyers. Any seller who takes customers out to eat is doing something right. A certain boss who once became famous is very insightful. He said, customers come all the way, can you still think about doing business if you don’t feel well?

A small favor can often affect a major business. A Wujinjiaodian company once made a lot of money back with a small favor of 10 yuan. Anyone who comes will receive a free souvenir worth 10 yuan. The author asked the person in charge of the company why he should give money to others for free. He told me that he did so based on the following principles: because everyone likes to take advantage of small things, but they are never willing to give money away for free. They accept things from others for no reason, so they will attend the order meeting with an attitude of obligation, and even listen to the other party’s explanations with an open mind. Only in this way will they feel that they deserve it.

And all the results are as he said: “Those who have accepted small favors for nothing will often falsely tell themselves and the salesmen that they came to this ordering meeting because they are truly interested in the product.” With just 10 yuan, the originally skeptical public became an active audience. Good food at a good price, a nice party, and a few small favors are not bribes, and it is not immoral to offer these ordinary treats. Their purpose is simply to make buyers more receptive to sellers’ signals. Companies that skimp on spending on food and beverages will only make sales more difficult. In contrast, sellers who are unwilling to spend money are really unwise.

Regarding the small favor from the seller, if the buyer really does not need the product, he will not necessarily suffer losses for it. The seller will never blame you, so please feel free to worry. The sales technique of small favors is only used to increase emotional communication. This method may achieve good results for a while, but it will soon be imitated by others. Therefore, you must often change your methods and use them alternately to win.



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Author: clsrich
