China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent the occurrence of electrostatic accidents

Factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent the occurrence of electrostatic accidents

According to the national regulations on anti-static clothing, anti-static clothing with qualified quality should be able to be cleaned 100 times as required, while ensuring that t…

According to the national regulations on anti-static clothing, anti-static clothing with qualified quality should be able to be cleaned 100 times as required, while ensuring that the anti-static effect does not diminish. If workers wearing anti-static clothing consistently abide by cleanroom rules and regulations, then the anti-static clothing should last for at least 6 years of typical cleanroom use. What needs to be said is that the fabric of the anti-static clothing must be the designated fabric, and the manufacturer is responsible for the repair of the dust-free clothing to ensure the effectiveness and durability of the repair.

Factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent electrostatic accidents  Occurrence

1. Factors reducing the function of anti-static clothing

Anti-static clothing is made of special polyester filament warp or warp and weft inlays and is made with special technology. It has excellent and durable conductive properties and is now widely used in medicine, microelectronics, fine surfaces, fine machinery, and the food industry. , life engineering, fine chemicals and other industries, it is a necessary measure to prevent static electricity in the clothing of workers.

The performance of anti-static clothing decreases with the increase of wearing time. Under normal indoor wearing conditions, the factors that cause the performance of such clothing to decrease mainly include the following three aspects:

1. It is the result of various mechanical forces during the wearing process;

2. It’s washing;

3. It is the aging of fiber.

Factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent electrostatic accidents  Occurrence

2. How to prevent the occurrence of static electricity accidents

1. Elimination and protection of static electricity

The main hazards of static electricity are fires and explosions. In the electronics industry, it may also breakdown integrated components.

2. Main places for anti-static

(1) Production sites where flammable and explosive items are produced, used, stored, transported, loaded and unloaded;

(2) Production equipment, dry collection equipment, and places where such materials are loaded and unloaded that generate combustible dust;

(3) Loading and unloading places for flammable gas and flammable liquid tankers and ships;

(4) Places where electrostatic shock can cause harm.

Factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent electrostatic accidents  Occurrence

3. Measures to prevent static electricity hazards

(1) Process control: Take measures from the aspects of process flow, equipment structure, material selection and operation management to limit the generation of static electricity or control the accumulation of static electricity. Specific methods include: limiting the conveying speed can reduce the frictional electrification of materials; taking different anti-static measures in the areas where static electricity is generated and dissipated, such as wearing anti-static clothing, anti-static work clothes, and anti-static clothing from Weifang Jiangyan Clothing Coveralls, anti-static work clothes; equipment spare parts should be made of conductive materials as much as possible; when process conditions permit, increase the air humidity. When the relative humidity in the air is maintained at about 50%, a large amount of static electricity can be prevented from accumulating.

(2) Ground leakage: Connect it to the earth through static electricity grounding to eliminate static electricity on the conductor. All metal fixtures, equipment, pipes, tanks, etc. should be grounded. The earth leakage method only applies to conductors whose earthing devices can be shared with the working, protective and repetitive devices of electrical equipment. The resistance of a single electrostatic ground terminal should not be greater than 100Ω.

(3) Static neutralization: Use the ions generated by the static eliminator that are necessary to eliminate static electricity to neutralize opposite charges. Static elimination method is mainly used in non-conductor industries such as rubber, plastics and printing.

Factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent electrostatic accidents  Occurrence

4. Anti-static measures for human body

(1) Human body grounding: In places where the human body must be grounded, workers should touch the grounding rod with their hands at any time to remove static electricity from the human body. In areas with electrical explosion hazards in Zone 0 or Zone 1, and the minimum ignition energy of combustibles is less than 0.25mJ, workers should wear anti-static overalls, anti-static shoes and gloves. It is prohibited to wear chemical fiber clothes and put on or take off hats in explosion-risk areas.

(2) Safe operation: During work, you should try not to engage in activities that can make the human body electrified, and you are not allowed to carry metal objects unrelated to work, such as keys, coins, watches, mobile phones, etc.; use the prescribed labor protection supplies and tools rationally.Chemical fiber material products are allowed to be used, including mops and rags made of chemical fiber materials.

Static electricity is a common natural phenomenon. On the one hand, people use static electricity to carry out production activities, and on the other hand, they must prevent static electricity from causing harm to production and life. Please take action to prevent various production safety accidents caused by static electricity.

The above is the sharing of factors that reduce the function of anti-static clothing and how to prevent the occurrence of static accidents. I believe everyone has understood it! If you want to know more about clothing, please log in to our company’s official website to view it.

Tag: anti-static clothing

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Author: clsrich
