China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Eat according to the weather and place orders like crazy! The gallbladder market is in a fog, how can textile people make a comeback in the “stock trading” market?

Eat according to the weather and place orders like crazy! The gallbladder market is in a fog, how can textile people make a comeback in the “stock trading” market?

The annual Double Eleven Shopping Festival is here again! Pre-sales started at midnight on October 21. On the first day of pre-sales, Cainiao supply chain data showed that nearly 1…

The annual Double Eleven Shopping Festival is here again! Pre-sales started at midnight on October 21. On the first day of pre-sales, Cainiao supply chain data showed that nearly 10 million tons of Double 11 products have been stocked and entered Cainiao warehouse, which is almost double the scale of Double 11 in 2019.

Sales data from Double Eleven shows that this year’s e-commerce sales have doubled compared to last year. Data from previous years shows that the retail sales of down jackets often top the list of retail sales categories across the entire network. Therefore, this year’s Double Eleven down jacket stocking is also very hot. As early as the end of September, autumn and winter fabrics for down jackets began to sell well, and the lining fabric used as a supporting material for down jackets also exploded in the market.


Marketparticipantshadalreadypredictedthatthesalesofgallclothwouldbegintodeclinewhenthemarketfirststarted.SomepeoplebelievethatthemarketpriceofDanbucanlastuntiltheendofOctoberorearlyNovember,andthenitwillfadeaway.Mr.XuofDanbuSupermarketexplained:“SomeofuswhomakeDanbupredictthatthemarketwillbeweakerafterOctober20th.Ontheonehand,theonlinepre-saleactivitiesforDoubleElevenwillstartonthe21st,ande-commercestockingswillalsostartonthe21st.Wearealmostready.Ontheotherhand,the20thisthetimewhenthemarketwillpayunifieddyeingfees.Someotherfeeswillalsobesettledattheendofthemonth.Capitalflowsarelarge,andeveryone’s funds are beginning to be tight, so the amount will also increase when placing orders. Reduced.”

Trader Mr. Pan said: “Now more and more people are coming to inquire about gallbladder fabrics, and the order volume is relatively large. Overall, it is very stable.” Orders from some companies are still increasing, mainly This part of the order is for brand clothing orders, not market goods for e-commerce festival sales. Although some of the orders for brand clothing will be sold through e-commerce, they are still mainly sold in offline stores and are stocked step by step. Therefore, orders will be placed one after another in the future, rather than explosively concentrated before Double Eleven. Place an order.

Within the month The price of gallbladder has increased by more than 10%

In the past two years, those who make gallbladder are like those who speculate in stocks. The fluctuations in gallbladder prices are no less than the turbulence of the stock market. Just when the gallbladder market first became popular in early October, its price fluctuated frequently, one price per day. In the first half of this year, affected by raw materials and epidemic factors, the price of gall cloth continued to fall, and the market also plummeted, leaving a large inventory. Entering October, the price of gall cloth skyrocketed. As sales opened during the peak season, prices also skyrocketed. Most gallbladder products have increased by 0.3-0.5 yuan/meter, and some have even increased by 1.0 yuan/meter, an increase of about 10%.

Manager Shen of a company said that the price of gall cloth has increased several times recently, and so far it has increased by about 5 cents per meter. Even though the price has been adjusted several times now, it is still about 2 cents per meter lower than the same period last year. The price of 292T polyester taffeta is 1.6 yuan/meter this year and 1.8 yuan/meter last year.

Qian, the trader who placed the order, revealed that the price of their gallbladder orders has not increased at present and remains at the same price as in the first half of the year. The main reason is that Danbu is also based on orders. It is produced only after the customer places an order. The order quantity is not very large. The price itself is higher than the price of Danbu supermarket, so it is difficult to increase it.

Since 2017, Danbu has experienced the most “crazy” period in history. Danbu supermarkets have sprung up in the market, and they are all quite large. big. Most of these Danbu supermarkets are targeting market orders in the domestic market and have the characteristics of large quantities, low prices, fast delivery and explosive orders. Therefore, the orders and prices of Danbu Supermarket are closer to the overall market conditions and can better represent the domestic clothing order situation.

Textile professionals are pessimistic about the market outlook for gallbladder fabrics

The fourth quarter is the home field of gallbladder fabrics. The colder the weather, the greater the market volume. The bigger it is, the typical “depending on the weather” type product. According to the tradition of previous years, the best selling period of gallbladder is from October to November. However, due to the special reasons of the epidemic this year, the market seems to have deviated from the traditional track, and the subsequent market is disappointing.If you can’t figure it out, you will inevitably feel worried.
As for the future trend of cloth, the vast majority of textile people have a pessimistic attitude. For products that rely on the weather, the biggest fear is unsatisfactory weather. Whether this year will be a cold winter is still unknown. If the cold winter arrives as expected, stocking up on down jackets in October will be able to maintain sales throughout the winter. In addition, there is still inventory of down jackets accumulated in previous years. Some professionals revealed that even if the production of down jackets on the market is stopped, it will be enough for 20 years! From this point of view, it is more likely that the order placing of down jackets will slow down in the future, and the sales volume of gallbladder fabrics will also decline subsequently.

“I think the gallbladder market can be maintained until mid-November. It has recently It feels like it’s not as hot as it was a while ago. The main thing to do next is to see how the down jacket market is. If it’s not cold in winter, it will most likely not be good,” Mr. Lu said. Mr. Shen of an industry and trade enterprise: “It’s hard to say what the market will be like in the later period. At present, it’s mainly a rising market, which can easily come and go. If it’s really a cold winter, then the market can last until December this year. In addition, it also depends on The retail situation of terminals such as Double Eleven, otherwise the market sustainability will not be particularly strong.”

Editor’s Note

The outlook for the market outlook The market situation is not yet clear, but it can be said to be the weather vane of the market. The fluctuations in unit volume and price changes have played a very good guiding role for us. Since some companies have experienced a decline in sales of gallbladder, we need to be vigilant about the overall market situation, especially for companies that stock up on goods.


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Author: clsrich
