China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Fabric companies are busy making samples, and printing and dyeing factories are queuing up to press cards in small vats. Years ago, textile bosses had to be busy again!

Fabric companies are busy making samples, and printing and dyeing factories are queuing up to press cards in small vats. Years ago, textile bosses had to be busy again!

A dyeing factory salesperson said: “Recently, our factory is not only busy with large goods, but also very busy with small vats and single tubes. It takes about a week and mo…

A dyeing factory salesperson said: “Recently, our factory is not only busy with large goods, but also very busy with small vats and single tubes. It takes about a week and more than fifteen days to ship the goods!”

The dyeing factory is busy with small vats and single tubes, queuing up for shipment. In fact, the current printing and dyeing market is still crowded except for large-scale dyeing. Small vats Also very crowded. The editor learned that most small-tank dyeings currently take more than 15 days to be shipped. According to the above-mentioned dyeing factory salesperson, currently small vats need to be pressed in the early stage, so the delivery time is also very long. In addition, there are not many small vats and single tubes in each dyeing factory, so queuing is common. Once the small vat peak season arrives, the queuing time will be even longer.


Inviewofthisyear’sspecialmarketsituation,Thenumberofproofsismuchhigherthaninpreviousyears.Ontheonehand,thereductioninoverallmarketdemandhasamplifiedcompetitionamongenterprises.Garmentfactorieswillassignanordertoseveralsuppliersatthesametime.Inadditiontotheearlypricecompetition,thereisalsocompetitioninproofing.ThisiswhyThisisthereasonwhymanyordersjustgonowhereaftertakingsamples.ManagerLiofaforeigntradecompanysaid:”Underthisyear’sepidemic,ouroriginalRussiancustomershavebeensendingsamplessofar,buthavenotreceivedanylargegoods.Thecustomerscan’t receive orders either, so we are very affected. But there is no choice but to work together, prototype and develop new products, and strive to receive orders.”

Independent research and development of prototypes to provide customers with new products. On the other hand, as the market weakens, market competition becomes more and more intense. In order to find orders, many companies take the initiative and no longer just wait for customers to give orders. Instead of producing according to requirements, we independently develop new samples and recommend products with our own characteristics to customers. And newly developed products often have multiple colors in one variety, and the same fabric has multiple different finishing processes, so the number of proofs has increased a lot. Manager Zhang, who specializes in imitation silk women’s clothing, also said: “Since this year, our company has not stopped proofing, because the main mode is that we provide customers with samples, the customers select them, and then place orders. Therefore, proofing is a very important job for us. Without samples, the company has lost its soul.”

With more samples in the market, orders may pick up next year

Although there are many samples, it does not directly indicate that orders will increase in the future. , but there is no proofing, and there is no possibility of large quantities. It is currently a peak season for proofing. Compared with last year, the small vat of the dyeing factory was very busy at the end of November and the beginning of December, and the delivery time can reach about 20 days. These samples are mostly used for next year’s orders, so they can also play a certain role in predicting next year’s market conditions.

Since the dyeing factory exploded in October, the printing and dyeing market has been in constant decline. It was hot and surprisingly did not go out. The quantity of gray fabrics entering warehouses has only dropped slightly, which is slightly lukewarm, but most printing and dyeing factories are still busy. At present, the overall operating rate of dye vats is still around 85%, and the operating rate has dropped slightly. The market order situation reflected from the printing and dyeing side is still good, which may add a lot of confidence to the market next year. The last wave of orders before the year may come after proofing and sending samples. As long as there are proofings, there is hope. Therefore, cloth bosses should do a good job in preliminary proofing work, consolidate customers, and prepare for next year’s textile market.


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Author: clsrich
