China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News The market in Shengze Dyeing Factory is booming, with some warehouse purchases soaring to 1 million meters per day! Power rationing and production shutdowns in Zhejiang may cause orders to shift, and the market is likely to continue to be busy before the end of the year!

The market in Shengze Dyeing Factory is booming, with some warehouse purchases soaring to 1 million meters per day! Power rationing and production shutdowns in Zhejiang may cause orders to shift, and the market is likely to continue to be busy before the end of the year!

The recent news of power and production restrictions in Zhejiang due to environmental protection measures can be seen everywhere in our circle of friends. Almost all manufacturing …

The recent news of power and production restrictions in Zhejiang due to environmental protection measures can be seen everywhere in our circle of friends.

Almost all manufacturing companies will be affected to a certain extent. As a major energy consumer, our textile industry Naturally, it is unavoidable. But towards the end of the year, the textile market is at a very critical point. In previous years, due to the nearly one-month shutdown of the domestic textile industry during the Spring Festival holiday, a large number of post-year orders were produced in advance at the end of the year, or stocking up to a certain extent.

As an important textile production base in China and even the world, Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions play an extremely important role in textile production at the end of the year. However, the power rationing and production shutdown in Zhejiang will inevitably lead to a large number of textile orders that have nowhere to be produced or production and delivery delays. It also means that there is a strong willingness to transfer such orders.

The warehouse volume increases to one million meters per day

Shengze may undertake large-scale transfers Orders

The status of Wujiang Shengze area in the textile industry is obvious to all in the global market. This time, power rationing and production suspension in Zhejiang area have not yet occurred in Shengze area. All Textile production companies can immediately enter full-capacity production. And because the Shengze area is close to the Zhejiang textile production cluster and close to the Shanghai Port, Shengze is almost the best place to transfer orders in Zhejiang. At present, many printing and dyeing factories have begun to see significant growth in orders in the Shengze market.

In the beginning of April, the amount of incoming warehouses suddenly and rapidly increased without any warning, reaching 1 million meters per day. This volume was only seen at the beginning of this year, when work was resumed and there was a large backlog of orders.” A person in charge of a dyeing factory said

Not only that, many other dyeing factories also have the same situation. According to a trader According to the dealer, their current orders are processed by three or four dyeing factories, and basically every one of them is very busy. It is obvious that the order volume in recent days has increased compared with the previous period. Among them, one dyeing factory that does a lot of work only had 2-3 days of pressing last weekend, but in these two days, except for the steamer, everything else had to be pressed for more than a week.

At the beginning of this week, the dyeing factories in Shengze area were still tepid, and there was no such big market situation. However, in the days approaching the weekend, the market It suddenly became popular, which may be inseparable from the transfer of orders in Zhejiang.

Environmental protection shutdown brings order transfer

This has already happened in 2017

In fact, due to environmental protection, the textile industry in a certain region has entered a state of production suspension and production restriction, which has led to the transfer of textile orders in the market as early as 2017.

In 2017, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province carried out environmental protection rectification of printing and dyeing factories. Nearly half of the printing and dyeing enterprises were sorted out and other printing and dyeing enterprises were relocated and managed centrally. During this process, there was a vacuum in the printing and dyeing market in Shaoxing, but a large number of textile orders had to be produced in time, so a large number of Zhejiang customers moved to Shengze with orders.

In the second half of 2017, especially in the months near the end of the year, the Shengze printing and dyeing market ushered in an unprecedented boom. Orders for hundreds of thousands or millions of meters can be seen everywhere, and it often happens that orders from small and medium-sized customers are stuck in the dyeing factory for 15-30 days. Faced with the rare situation of oversupply, the vast majority of dyeing factories have seized the opportunity to continuously increase dyeing fees. There are even many “expedited”, “expedited”, “quick” and other methods of increasing money to shorten the dyeing cycle. Condition.

The recent Shengze textile market situation is very similar to that of a few years ago. There are a large number of orders, and the dyeing factory is also likely to be liquidated. Then the situation of supply exceeding demand will once again form under the epidemic situation, which will inevitably give dyeing factories a certain say in raising prices. Especially with the recent price increases in the raw material market, gray fabrics have begun to rise in price. Dyeing factories can also take advantage of the situation to follow suit.

Although the production restrictions in Zhejiang only last until December 31 However, it does not mean that the printing and dyeing industry will be able to operate normally after January. On the one hand, it is a long holiday. Some non-local textile workers, especially those who are far away from their hometowns, may have returned home. Even if the factory resumes production, it will be difficult to produce at full capacity. On the other hand, many textile companies will suspend production and take holidays one after another in January, leaving some There is not much time for printing and dyeing production, and it is obviously unrealistic to expect a large backlog of orders to be completed in just over half a month.

So for the market, it is unwise to wait for the resumption of production, and timely transfer is a must. As an important textile production and distribution center, the Shengze area will surely accept a large number of transfer orders, and even the Shengze area�It is very likely that the Spring Festival holiday will be postponed.


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Author: clsrich
