China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News [Frontline Survey] It’s the end of the year, and holidays, debt collection, and stocking up are once again a problem! The textile boss shook his head: What do you expect in 2021? I just want the market to be gentle!

[Frontline Survey] It’s the end of the year, and holidays, debt collection, and stocking up are once again a problem! The textile boss shook his head: What do you expect in 2021? I just want the market to be gentle!

2020 has become a thing of the past, and 2021 will be full of hope. So what is the current situation of the textile market? Probably the most concerning thing in the market recentl…

2020 has become a thing of the past, and 2021 will be full of hope. So what is the current situation of the textile market?

Probably the most concerning thing in the market recently is: when will the holiday take place? How is the repayment process going? Will you stock up on raw materials?

So, we investigated and visited some companies on these issues, and they gave got the following answers.

For the holidays

Many textile companies expressed their concern There is a holiday at the end of the month, and some people have a holiday in mid-January. “We have stopped taking orders now. We are doing it for half a month anyway, and it is almost time to have a holiday.” A textile boss said.

Since mid-December, market orders have begun to gradually decrease, and textile bosses have not been discouraged by the decrease in orders, because the year-end has already seen a sharp decline in orders. At this stage, most textile bosses said that the orders on hand can be completed until mid-January. After completing these orders, it is time to take a holiday.

For payment collection

“Our payment collection work is actually I started doing it in the past one month, but this year it will take three months.” said Mr. Chen, who specializes in anti-static noodle linings.

“It is difficult to get payment this year. At least 5% of the payment cannot be collected.” said Mr. Chen, who owns 500 looms.

The issue of payment has always been a problem for textile bosses. This year’s payment Difficulty seems to have become a predetermined thing. The issue of asking for payment was also mentioned in the previous survey. Textile bosses all said that the speed of customers paying money this year is at least one month faster than in previous years. So by the end of the year, it will undoubtedly become difficult to get the money back.

For stocking up on raw materials

“Those who plan to stock up this year, I estimate that I will stock up until about a month after the new year. I am still optimistic about the future raw materials and feel that the price will increase, so I stock up.” Mr. Chen, who thought he owned 200 looms, said.

“I will stock up and basically ensure the usage for one month after the new year. This year, I feel that the price of raw materials will slowly rise after the new year. After all, it has been low for a year. Yes.” said Mr. Wu, who owns 200 looms.

“Look at the price of raw materials. If the raw materials are expensive, don’t stock them. If they are cheap, stock up on them. If they are too expensive, the fabric will not be profitable.” A person with 500 Mr. Chen from Taiwan Loom said.

Obviously, everyone is still following the past practice at the end of the year. The price of raw materials has been at a low level this year. No matter how low it is, it will not be as low as this year. Editor I also believe that stocking up on raw materials at the end of this year is a correct decision.

What will the market be like in 2021?

No matter how bad it is, it can’t be worse than 2020. Due to the impact of the epidemic last year, the textile market can be said to be the worst year in recent years. So After a bad year, textile bosses have survived. Are they still afraid of 2021?

In fact, judging from the current market situation, there may be a good market in 2021, mainly because of the good news about vaccines and the signing of RCEP last year, which will definitely give this year The market has had a considerable impact. In addition, foreign markets have been suppressed by the epidemic last year, and demand has been greatly reduced. Assuming that the epidemic can be controlled this year, I believe demand may double than in previous years. Last spring and summer fabrics were completely lonely in the market. Many imitation silk bosses’ sales this year were only half of last year’s. It is precisely because of this that this year’s “Gold, Three, Silver and Four” may bring a lot of trouble to textile bosses. surprise. The first half of the year is a transition period for the market to improve, and the second half of the year will see the long-lost sunshine of the textile market.

However, these predictions are based on the premise that the foreign epidemic can be controlled , if the epidemic abroad continues like this, then the market situation this year will probably be “cool”!

Finally, let’s hear what textile bosses think about 2021…

What do you want to say about 2021?

“Well, now I just hope that the market will be better than this year.”

“>”I hope the epidemic can end soon.”

“2021 I can’t count on it for half a year, I hope things will get better in the second half of the year.”

Through this survey, most textile bosses are still not very optimistic about the future market.

“Recently, the epidemic in Europe and the United States has become more and more fierce. It is already very good to hope that it can be controlled in the first half of the year, and I do not expect anything to happen in the second half of the year. Good market.”

“Overseas epidemic situation depends on��The control is not good, and the first half of the year is expected to be poor…”

“How to put it, in short, if the foreign epidemic cannot be controlled, the market will not get better. ”

Obviously, textile bosses unanimously believe that the quality of the market in the second half of the year is related to whether the foreign epidemic can be controlled. However, judging from the current situation, The difficulty is indeed a bit high.

In short, textile bosses should not be discouraged and have full confidence in the future market. Once the epidemic is under control, the purchasing power of foreign consumers will It will be greatly improved. Then just wait and have fun, but don’t be overconfident, you still have to eliminate some problems. Today’s inventory is still at a high level, and we need to be vigilant about overcapacity. Digesting inventory is the key! The market is improving and Is it closely related to the old question!


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Author: clsrich
