China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Expert: Survival of the fittest and stimulating consumption are the foundation of textile revitalization

Expert: Survival of the fittest and stimulating consumption are the foundation of textile revitalization

Expert: Survival of the fittest and stimulating consumption are the basis for textile revitalization Due to a series of reasons such as low industrial concentration, low overall te…

Expert: Survival of the fittest and stimulating consumption are the basis for textile revitalization

Due to a series of reasons such as low industrial concentration, low overall technical level, and high costs in my country’s textile industry, many industry experts are not optimistic about the textile industry revitalization plan that may be introduced in the near future.

“The main problem facing the entire industry now is the shrinking of external and domestic demand. The introduction of revitalization policies cannot create demand, but can only reduce the burden on enterprises. If the core contradiction is not resolved, it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. The industry’s operating situation will not How much has changed due to the introduction of inclusive policies such as the increase in export tax rebate policies?” experts said.

Experts believe that it is difficult for policies to directly and timely stimulate the expansion of exports and stimulate the rapid recovery of the textile economy. The main competitors of China’s textile export enterprises are not abroad, but at home, and the textile products exported by China are not produced in developed countries. Burden-reducing policies such as increasing export tax rebates only give export companies more room to reduce prices, but cannot create external demand and have little effect. The implementation of the textile industry revitalization plan is also not a “sunshine” for all enterprises. It is still conducive to the development of a few advantageous enterprises and will not reverse the general trend of industry decline.

As for the root cause, first of all, it must be clear that some enterprises must be eliminated. No matter what kind of support is provided, without a group of enterprises being eliminated, it will be difficult to ensure rapid growth of internal demand. After all, with such a large production capacity, if we want to maintain a new supply balance, we can only reduce supply.

“Second, we must focus on stimulating consumption to solve the problem, especially in the mid- to long-term development of the rural consumer market. At present, there are ‘home appliances to the countryside’ and ‘textiles to the countryside’. Instead of spending tens of billions of yuan to raise Export tax rebates are not as effective as ‘sending textiles to the countryside’,” experts said.

Another textile industry expert also believes that the burden reduction policy in the revitalization plan is difficult to achieve actual results, and stimulating exports has no effect. It is necessary to turn to how to promote domestic consumption and use limited financial resources here, which will have an effect. Greater usefulness.



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Author: clsrich
